Age of Empires II

Community League 20€ Ended Lord_Kelvin#15224 Age of Empires II Competition Community Invitational

2021/11/12 - 22:00
Start Date
2021/11/14 - 00:00
End Date
2021/11/12 - 16:16
Maximum joinable Date
16/16 (0)
Available Places
Points needed
Free to access
Single Elimination
Players +12 more participants
nonno di heidi#15162
nonno di heidi
View Player
o' cines_TV#15421
o' cines_TV
View Player
View Player
GdR_Pier Rude Kaiser
View Player


Something amazing is going to happen:
  1. We're directly connected to Discord.
  2. Everytime we create a verified Tournament, a dedicated category and text-support channel will be created on our Discord Server.
  3. Everytime you join a verified Tournament, if you're already in our Discord Server, you'll be notified by a Staff Member, when your match is ready to Play.
  4. This is a requirement, if you're not in, we must kick you out, probably in the hardest way!
1st place: 20€
2nd place: Nothing for a loser
3rd place: 3rd place is not enough
4th place: Really? Are you asking for a prize?
1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place 8th Places 16th Places 32nd Places
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Join our VERIFIED Discord Server. bytemore#0356 will be more than happy to help you!

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